BGT119 – Star Wars: Unlimited

Tyler Parrott

Star Wars: Unlimited – das neue Trading Card Game von Fantasy Flight Games im Star Wars Universum – hat uns schon auf der SPIEL in Essen dieses Jahr begeistert. So richtig losgelassen hat es uns nicht und wir wollten noch etwas tiefer einsteigen. Unter anderem weil wir hier die Möglichkeit haben den Start dieses Spiels und der (hoffentlich) entstehenden Community zu begleiten. Dazu werden wir in den kommenden Wochen und Monaten immer mal wieder ein paar Sonderfolgen veröffentlichen.

Die Frage ist aber natürlich, wie startet man in so ein Vorhaben? Richtig! Mit einem Interview! Wir haben das Glück gehabt, dass Tyler Parrott von Fantasy Flight Games noch eine Stunde in der Weihnachtswoche für uns Zeit gefunden hat und wir gemeinsam mit ihm über die Entwicklung des Spiels und ein paar Highlights sprechen konnten.

Am Ende hat er uns sogar ein kleines Geschenk mitgebracht.

Dirk führt uns durch die Folge.

Viel Spaß und gut Brett!

ℹ️ Hinweis: Wenn ihr die Episode nicht hören wollt oder könnt, lest gerne das Transkript.


Thema der Woche

  • Ankündigung über die Special-Folgen – Was haben vor?
  • Das Spiel selbst vorstellen
  • C3OP vorstellen

Interview Questions:

  • Hi Tyler! Let’s start with a short introduction to get to know you a bit better:
    • How did you get into board games and TCGs especially?
    • What is your favourite Star Wars character?
    • What is your player color of choice?
  • You said you’re a Star Wars fan since age 5. Now you’re working a big Star Wars game. For you personally: What makes Star Wars such a fun franchise?
  • Before we dive into the details: Can you give us the elevator pitch for Star Wars: Unlimited?
  • Releasing a TCG has obvious economic reasons. But besides that what are the fun things about a TCG from a game design perspective?
  • Not everything is fun I guess. What were the main challenges building such an ecosystem?
  • From everything I heard and read SW:U was designed with organized play in mind – both casual and highly competitive. How do you approach such task?
  • SW:U has a 3+ year road map and it was said you’re here to stay. How much do you need to consider future cards / mechanics for todays design work?
  • Deck building is key to every TCG. What makes this part the most fun in SW:U?
  • Can you give the listeners some advice on deck building?
  • On the official web page you describe one of your decks. It is build with only Common and Uncommon cards. How good to you think will those decks be in the long run? Do you plan on keeping them strong?
  • SW:U wants to support a lot of different play styles. What were the challenges to make this happen?
  • There a 6 aspects to choose from. Each of them needs to feel different enough from the others. What were some of the challenges during development of the aspects?
  • What is you favourite aspect?
  • I had the opportunity to play SW:U at SPIEL in Essen this year. What struck me most was how much fun and how balanced the starter sets came out. How much effort did you put into those?
  • Artwork on SW:U is quite different from other Star Wars games by FFG. What was the motivation to change that established, close to the movies style?
  • What are your favourite cards in the “Spark of Rebellion” set?
  • And last but not least: Could you share a new card with us? Maybe as an early Christmas gift?


Von Dirk

Das Anchor-Pony.